Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mobile World Congress 2012 Flashback: Jerzy Drozd Basses (Video)

Jerzy DrozdUp a steep hill, far away from the hustle and bustle of the Pla?a d'Espanya?in Barcelona is a small Luthier shop called Jerzy Drozd Basses. Last year in February of 2012, as my travels to Barcelona approached for the Mobile World Congress, I realized that Jerzy Drodz was actually based in Barcelona. What luck and what a shame it would be to travel 8000 round-trip miles ?and not see the shop of this most interesting Luthier.


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We're live from MWC 2013 in Barcelona!

We're live from MWC 2013 in Barcelona!

We've arrived in Catalonia's capital city, where snow, apparently, has marked the start of this year's Mobile World Congress. That's right, the hills surrounding this typically warm Mediterranean metropolis have been blanketed in a thin layer of flurries, but we're nonetheless optimistic about this week's smartphone show in Barcelona. As MWC 2013's massive new venue begins to take shape, we're preparing to deliver the hottest hands-ons, directly from Fira Gran Via. Some manufacturers, such as HTC and LG, have already demoed their latest handsets, and other devices have made an early debut, but there's plenty of excitement still to come, as you'll discover in our show preview. We'll be sharing our liveblog lineup in a few hours -- for now, it's time to bookmark our event page, and check back often throughout the next week.

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Bacolod City Mass Wedding 2013

Well, I have to go to Oslo for a few days to close out the flat, get the movers in, finalize and finish my life in Norway. Problem is, I don't want to go. I had SUCH a hard time leaving, it was SO painful, that when I got to Houston I kind of let it roll off me, put it behind me, just...stopped thinking about it. It's been kind of nice. I am here, in this rather nameless, soulless flat, me and my three suitcases of stuff, and a few books and magazines and stuff I've bought since getting here. I am not burdened by possessions, the need to cook, the need to clean (bi-weekly housekeeping comes with the place) the needs of anyone's but my own, ?I only need to focus on getting my job going and relearning how to live in the US. OK, so I AM kind of (at times, very) lonely, and a bit regretful of some things, and missing some things, and thinking about some things. Trying to achieve a 'fresh start' is really hard, and I don't know that it is even possible. A fresh start means leaving behind so much, and pretending that your past is clean and tidy, and sorry, at my age, a messy past is a given and, I think, desireable, ?so there is no way you can ever go 'fresh' again. Everything I was, or have done, or have become, is part of this new venture. That's why I am doing it, actually, as the me I have become is finally up to this, this clean, new me could only rise out of the old, scared, messy, unsure and un-self confident me. But that doesn't mean I have forgotten or am abandon...

Things change, doors close and new ones open.


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Don?t Believe the Lies of Mainstream Media! URGE Congress & President to Avoid War in Iran! NOW! END Military Operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan & Iraq! Stop Dropping Bombs on Innocent People! Stop Illegal Torture and High Crimes Against Humanity! Bring R

Statement of Veterans For Peace: The Solution to the Nuclear ?Crisis? with Iran is not Sanctions and War, It is a Middle East Free of All Nuclear Weapons

July 26, 2012

We are once again on the verge of another disastrous war in the Middle East. The United States and its allies in Europe and the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia and Qatar, are consciously pushing Syria toward a destructive civil war. The objective is to bring down the Assad regime, an ally of the Iranian government, as a stepping-stone toward further isolation of Iran and preparation of the ground for a military attack on that country.

At the same time, the United States, European Union and Israel are using Iran?s civilian nuclear program as an excuse to impose devastating economic sanctions against the people of Iran. According to various sources, the sanctions have already wreaked havoc on the Iranian economy, leading to inflation rates of 50 to 100 percent, youth unemployment rate of over 22 percent, drastic reduction of Iran?s domestic production to 40 percent of its capacity, massive closure of economic enterprises and widespread layoffs, and 40 percent drop in the Iranian oil exports during 2012, resulting in a loss of $32 billion in oil income since last year alone. It is expected that the new round of expanded sanctions, which started on July 1st of this year, will further reduce the Iranian oil exports to a mere 1.5 million barrels a day, thus pushing Iran into a fatal economic crisis.

This is nothing but a clear declaration of economic war on Iran. These devastating sanctions are not an ?alternative? to war; they are part and parcel of a war aimed at forcing a regime change in Iran as an integral part of the US plan for a ?Greater Middle East.? Let us not forget the case of Iraq. There, too, a decade of devastating sanctions was used as a ?softening period? that would weaken Iraq?s economic infrastructure; make the population desperate enough to welcome any foreign intervention; and reduce Iraq?s military capability to resist an invasion ? i.e., making Iraq an easy military target. Now the same scenario is being repeated with Iran.

All this is being done in the name of removing the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation in the Middle East. But this is just a cover. Iran is already surrounded by the US and Israeli nuclear weapons. The very forces that are threatening Iran over its civil nuclear program are themselves responsible for nuclear weapons proliferation in the Middle East. A US/Israeli military attack on Iran will have disastrous, unpredictable consequences for the peoples of the Middle East region and the world, and will be a serious threat to peace and security of all nations.

The real solution lies not in selective targeting of Iran with sanctions and threats of war, but in complete removal of all nuclear weapons from the Middle East region.The Middle East, like Latin America and Africa, must be declared as a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) calls for both the liquidation of nuclear weapons by states and the discouragement of non-nuclear states from obtaining or developing nuclear weapons; and the UN General Assembly has repeatedly called for the establishment of a Nuclear-Free Zone in the Middle East. As an urgent response to the nuclear crisis in the Middle East, the 2010 NPT Conference has called for the convening of a Conference in December 2012, in Helsinki, Finland, for the establishment of a WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East. This initiative must be supported and its success must be guaranteed.

Recognizing the critical nature of the present situation in the Middle East and the threat of an imminent war, Veterans For Peace,

Calls for immediate lifting of all economic sanctions against Iran;
Demands immediate cessation of US and Israeli military threats against Iran;
Declares its solidarity with the Iranian people in their just struggle for freedom, justice and peace;
Demands immediate cessation of all foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Syria, including an immediate end to the illegal arming of surrogate forces fighting the government; establishment of an immediate ceasefire on all sides; and allowing the peaceful people of Syria to decide their destiny democratically and independently;
Calls for recognition of the Middle East as a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone by all parties involved, including the US, Israel and Iran, and the removal of all nuclear weapons from the Middle East region;
Urges all VFP Chapters and the broader peace movement to press the US government to support the Helsinki Conference and the establishment of a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in the Middle East as a concrete and logical solution to the present crisis in the region.



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9/11 First Responder ? ?I?ve Been to 44 Funerals in the Last 4 1/2 Years?

***** MORE on the threat of War in Iran (and more importantly ? WHAT WE THE PEOPLE OF NYC CAN DO NOW TO STOP IT) HERE *****

Published on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 by Common Dreams
Iran Call for Nuclear Abolition by 2025 is Unreported by New York Times
by Alice Slater

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), formed in 1961 during the Cold War, is a group of 120 states and 17 observer states not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. The NAM held its opening 2012 session yesterday under the new chairmanship of Iran, which succeeded Egypt as the Chair.

Significantly, an Associated Press story in the Washington Post headlined, ?Iran opens nonaligned summit with calls for nuclear arms ban?, reported that ?Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi opened the gathering by noting commitment to a previous goal from the nonaligned group, known as NAM, to remove the world?s nuclear arsenals within 13 years. ?We believe that the timetable for ultimate removal of nuclear weapons by 2025, which was proposed by NAM, will only be realized if we follow it up decisively,? he told delegates.?

Yet the New York Times, which has been beating the drums for war with Iran, just as it played a disgraceful role in the deceptive reporting during the lead-up to the Iraq War, never mentioned Iran?s proposal for nuclear abolition. The Times carried the bland headline on its front page, ?At Summit Meeting, Iran Has a Message for the World?, and then went on to state, ?the message is clear. As Iran plays host to the biggest international conference ?it wants to tell its side of the long standoff with the Western powers which are increasingly convinced that Tehran is pursuing nuclear weapons?, without ever reporting Iran?s offer to support the NAM proposal for the abolition of nuclear weapons by 2025.

Surely the most sensible way to deal with Iran?s nascent nuclear weapons capacity is to call all the nations to the table to negotiate a treaty to ban the bomb.

Surely the most sensible way to deal with Iran?s nascent nuclear weapons capacity is to call all the nations to the table to negotiate a treaty to ban the bomb. That would mean abolishing the 20,000 nuclear bombs on the planet?in the US, UK, Russia, China, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel?with 19,000 of them in the US and Russia. In order to get Russia and China to the table, the US will also have to give up its dreams of dominating the earth with missile ?defenses? which, driven by corrupt military contractors and a corporate- owned Congress, are currently being planted and based in provocative rings around Russia and China.

The ball is in the U.S. court to make good faith efforts for nuclear abolition. That would be the only principled way to deal with fears of nuclear proliferation. The US must start with a genuine offer for negotiations to finally ban the bomb in all countries, including a freeze on further missile development. It should stop beating up on Iran and North Korea while it hypocritically continues to improve and expand the US arsenal, with tens of billions of dollars for new weapons laboratories and bomb delivery systems, and fails failing to speak out against the nuclear activities of other nations such as the enrichment of uranium in Japan and Brazil and the nuclear arsenal of Israel.

Alice Slater is New York director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and serves on the Coordinating Committee of Abolition 2000.



International support is growing for the legitimate rights of the Iranian people

CLICK HERE to sign on to the statement

Support of the legal and legitimate rights of the Iranian people for self-determination and sovereignty is growing as the new round of negotiations with Iran and the countries of 5+1 i.e. US, UK, France, Russia, China plus Germany is set for February 26th in Kazakhstan. A statement demanding the immediate lifting of sanctions and an end to war threats on Iran, which was drafted by SI Solidarity with Iran and initially endorsed by Ramsey Clark and the International Action Center, has gained the support of many known antiwar activists.

The text of the statement which also calls for recognition of the internationally recognized right of the Iranian people to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as well as a partial list of the statement signers are included below.

Take a stand against U.S. war threats and sanctions. Please CLICK HERE to use the form below to add you name in support.

Hands off Iran!

There are two sides in this dispute, one composed of the U.S. and its allies in the European Union who accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons ? without presenting even an iota of credible facts or supporting documents ? and the other, Iran, which is striving to protect its right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes based on provisions of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Using an unfounded accusation as a pretext for acts of aggressions, one side of the dispute headed by the US empire is currently punishing the other side, Iran, with the genocidal sanctions, an inhuman act that has endangered the life of 10s of millions of innocent Iranian citizens for their ?crime? of deciding to live independent and free from the yoke of hegemonic powers. The excuse for these aggressions is an allegation that has strongly been denied by Iranian officials and international organizations such as the Non-aligned Movement representing 120 countries. Furthermore, the charge against Iran on intending to develop nuclear weapons has even been refuted by the intelligence agencies of the U.S. government itself.

One side to this dispute has continuously shown its imperial arrogance through war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria and by fully backing the repeated Israeli mass killings of the Palestinian people, and the other, Iran, has not initiated any war against any nation since its people overthrow the US puppet regime of Shah back in 1979. That record matched with the current position of Iran on opposing wars elsewhere in the world indicates the fact that Iran wishes to live in peace with other nations.

Knowing the facts and the real stands of each party to this dispute, all those who love freedom and truth cannot remain silent or impartial in the ?negotiations? between these two opposing camps?

In these negotiations one side is the oppressor and the other side is oppressed. One side is after domination, exploitation and plunder and the other side is looking to preserve its right to self-determination and sovereignty. One side represents the privileged interests of the big capitalist forces, which constitute less than 1% of the world?s population, and the other is struggling for peace, independence and justice, causes in common with the interests of the 99ers. For these reasons we side with Iran and we urge all activists in the international peace movement to join us in signing this statement and raising the demands:?

  • Lift immediately all sanctions and stop threats of war against Iran.
  • Recognize the right of the Iranian people to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
  • Hands off Iran

Please CLICK HERE to use the form below to add you name in support.

The Hands off Iran statement above is supported by:?

Miguel d?Escoto Brockmann, Executive Director SURVIVE Foundation, President of the 63rd Session of UN General Assembly;

Ramsey Clark, human rights attorney, former Attorney General of the United States;

George Galloway, Member of Parliament (MP) for Bradford West, UK, author, journalist, broadcaster,

Cynthia McKinney, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Presidential candidate of Green Party,

Mike Gravel, former member of the U.S. Senate;

Cindy Sheehan, antiwar activist, organizer of Camp Casey, 2012 vice-presidential nominee of Peace and Freedom Party;

Teresa Gutierrez, coordinator of May1 Worker & Immigrant Rights Coalition, deputy secretary general of the International Migrant Alliance;

Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center (IAC); coordinator of Campaign

Sibel Edmonds, founder of National Security Whistleblowers Coalition ? NSWBC;

Art Olivier, former mayor of Bellflower, California, U.S.;

Dr. Franklin Lamb, Director of Americans Concerned for Middle East Peace, volunteer with Palestine Civil Rights Campaign;

Sofia M. Clark, International Campaign for Reinventing the United Nations ? Survive Foundation ? Managua;

Hamid Shahrabi, Co-director of SI Solidarity with Iran, Research Director of House of Latin America (HOLA)

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Research Associate at Center for Research on Globalization (CRG), contributor at Strategic Cultural Foundation (SCF), Moscow;

Stephen Lendman, Research Associate at Center for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Host on the Progressive Radio Network;

Michael Parenti, author, lecturer, advisory boards of Independent Progressive Politics Network and Education Without Borders;

Phil Wilayto, author and a co-founder of the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality;

Brenda Stokely, co-founder of the Million Worker March Movement, former Pres. of DC 1707 AFSCME ? American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees;

Amir Tafreshi, Director of House of Latin America (HOLA);

Ardeshir Ommani, President of American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC);

Eleanor Ommani, antiwar activist and Co-founder of American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC);

Ismael Hossein-zadeh, author, political analyst and Professor Emeritus, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa;

Abdol Soofi, Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville;

Elizabeth Eslami, Iranian-American author;

Randy Short, member of the Dignity, Human Rights and Peace Organization;

Kazem Azin, SI Solidarity with Iran in the US;

Karen L. Hall, American television writer, received Humanities Prize, Women in Film Luminas Award, seven Emmy Award Nominations;

Rodney Shakespeare, co-founder of the Global Justice Movement, member Christian Council for Monetary Justice;

Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of Pan-African News Wire, organizer with Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice;

Judy Bello, Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars,

Bishop Filipe Teixeira, OFSJC, Bishop of the Diocese Of Saint Francis of Assisi, Catholic Church of the Americas;

Joe Lombardo, a coordinator of UNAC ? United National Antiwar Coalition;

* Hands Off Iran Statement drafted by SI Solidarity with Iran.?

Supported by the International Action Center and many others who oppose the sanctions and threats against Iran

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Microsoft joins list of companies recently hacked

REDMOND, Wash. (AP) ? Microsoft has joined the list of prominent technology companies confirming they have been hit by a recent computer hacking attack.

In a blog posting Friday, Microsoft said it had found no evidence that any customer data had been heisted.

Microsoft Corp. gave few other details about the break-in, except to say that was it similar to a hacking attack that online social networking leader Facebook Inc. disclosed last week. Facebook had said its investigation had discovered other companies had been hacked, but didn't identify the other victims.

Like Facebook, Microsoft says it is still investigating how malicious software was planted on what it said were a small number of its computers.

Online messaging service Twitter also recently disclosed that hackers may have stolen information about 250,000 of its users.

Associated Press


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Skype Video Messages launches for Mac, iPhone, and Android (hands-on)

Microsoft is launching a new Video Messages feature for Skype this week. The company has been working on the feature for a number of months, having previously revealed it a little early, and it debuts on iOS, Android, and Mac. Designed for online and offline messaging, Video Messages lets Skype users send up to three minutes of video to each other. Although it won't initially be available for Windows users, those using the Skype for Windows or Skype for Windows Phone will receive the messages with a link to view them online.

The feature works on Android and iOS by using the font facing camera, with an option to switch to the rear. You can send up to three minutes of video to users who are either online or offline and the video will be delivered in the chat part of Skype. The Mac client is very much the same, but there's an optional to download the video messages you receive. It's certainly no Vine rival as the feature doesn't let you record in loops, but Skype tells us that it's an early beta still in testing.

"We?re pleased that there?s interest for Video Messaging to come to Skype for Windows and Skype for Windows 8," says a Skype spokesperson in response to Windows availability. "We?ll let you know when we expand the service to the platform." We tested the feature out on all available platforms and it seems to sync the video messages just as you'd expect. If you want to download the messages on the Mac side, they're available in MP4 format. The Video Messages feature is available to all US and UK Skype users initially, with a rollout to other countries expected in the future.


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2 space rocks hours apart point up the danger

FILE - In this 1953 file photo, trees lie strewn across the Siberian countryside 45 years after a meteorite struck the Earth near Tunguska, Russia. The 1908 explosion is generally estimated to have been about 10 megatons; it leveled some 80 million trees for miles near the impact site. The meteor that streaked across the Russian sky Friday, Feb. 15, 2013, is estimated to be about 10 tons. It exploded with the power of an atomic bomb over the Ural Mountains, about 5,000 kilometers (3,000 miles) west of Tunguska. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this 1953 file photo, trees lie strewn across the Siberian countryside 45 years after a meteorite struck the Earth near Tunguska, Russia. The 1908 explosion is generally estimated to have been about 10 megatons; it leveled some 80 million trees for miles near the impact site. The meteor that streaked across the Russian sky Friday, Feb. 15, 2013, is estimated to be about 10 tons. It exploded with the power of an atomic bomb over the Ural Mountains, about 5,000 kilometers (3,000 miles) west of Tunguska. (AP Photo, File)

In this photo provided by a meteorite contrail is seen over Chelyabinsk on Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. A meteor streaked across the sky of Russia?s Ural Mountains on Friday morning, causing sharp explosions and reportedly injuring around 100 people, including many hurt by broken glass. (AP Photo/

This image provided by NASA/JPL-Caltech shows a simulation of asteroid 2012 DA14 approaching from the south as it passes through the Earth-moon system on Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. The 150-foot object will pass within 17,000 miles of the Earth. NASA scientists insist there is absolutely no chance of a collision as it passes. (AP Photo/NASA/JPL-Caltech)

(AP) ? A space rock even bigger than the meteor that exploded like an atom bomb over Russia could drop out of the sky unannounced at any time and wreak havoc on a city. And Hollywood to the contrary, there isn't much the world's scientists and generals can do about it.

But some former astronauts want to give the world a fighting chance.

They're hopeful Friday's cosmic coincidence ? Earth's close brush with a 150-foot asteroid, hours after the 49-foot meteor struck in Russia ? will draw attention to the dangers lurking in outer space and lead to action, such as better detection and tracking of asteroids.

"After today, a lot of people will be paying attention," said Rusty Schweickart, who flew on Apollo 9 in 1969, helped establish the planet-protecting B612 Foundation and has been warning NASA for years to put more muscle and money into a heightened asteroid alert.

Earth is menaced all the time by meteors, which are chunks of asteroids or comets that enter Earth's atmosphere. But many if not most of them are simply too small to detect from afar with the tools now available to astronomers.

The meteor that shattered over the Ural Mountains was estimated to be 20 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. It blew out thousands of windows and left more than 1,000 people injured in Chelyabinsk, a city of 1 million. And yet no one saw it coming; it was about the size of a bus.

"This is a tiny asteroid," said astronomer Paul Chodas, who works in NASA's Near-Earth Object program in Pasadena, Calif. "It would be very faint and difficult to detect ? not impossible, but difficult."

As for the three-times-longer asteroid that hurtled by Earth later in the day Friday, passing closer to the planet than some communications satellites, astronomers in Spain did not even discover it until a year ago. That would have been too late for pre-emptive action ? such as the launch of a deflecting spacecraft ? if it had been on a collision course with Earth.

Asteroid 2012 DA14, as it is known, passed harmlessly within 17,150 miles of Earth, zooming by at 17,400 mph, or 5 miles per second.

Scientists believe there are anywhere from 500,000 to 1 million "near-Earth" asteroids comparable in size to DA14 or bigger out there. But less than 1 percent have actually been spotted. Astronomers have catalogued only 9,600 of them, of which nearly 1,300 are bigger than 0.6 miles.

Earth's atmosphere gets hit with 100 tons of junk every day, most of it the size of sand, and most of it burning up before it reaches the ground, according to NASA.

"These fireballs happen about once a day or so, but we just don't see them because many of them fall over the ocean or in remote areas. This one was an exception," NASA's Jim Green, director of planetary science, said of the meteor in Russia.

A 100- to 130-foot asteroid exploded over Siberia in 1908 and flattened 825 square miles of forest, while the rock that is believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago was a monster 6 miles across.

The chances of Earth getting hit without warning by one of the big ones are "extremely low, so low that it's ridiculous. But the smaller ones are quite different," Schweickart said. He warned: "If we get hit by one of them, it's most likely we wouldn't have known anything about it before it hit."

Chodas said the meteor strike in Russia is "like Mother Nature is showing us what a small one ? a tiny one, really ? can do."

All this points up the need for more money for tracking of near-Earth objects, according to Schweickart and the former space shuttle and station astronaut who now heads up the B612 Foundation, Ed Lu.

A few years ago, Schweickart and others recommended NASA launch a $250 million-a-year program to survey asteroids and work up a deflection plan. After 10 years of cataloging, the annual price tag could drop to $75 million, they said.

"Unfortunately, NASA never acted on any of our recommendations," he lamented. "So the result of it is that instead of having $250 million a year and working on this actively, NASA now has $20 million. ... It's peanuts."

Congress immediately weighed in on Friday.

"Today's events are a stark reminder of the need to invest in space science," said Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, chairman of the House science, space and technology committee. He called for a hearing in the coming weeks.

Bill Cooke, head of the Meteoroid Environments Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., said the space agency takes asteroid threats seriously and has poured money into looking for ways to better spot them. Annual spending on asteroid-detection at NASA has gone from $4 million a few years ago to $20 million now.

"NASA has recognized that asteroids and meteoroids and orbital debris pose a bigger problem than anybody anticipated decades ago," Cooke said.

Schweickart's B612 Foundation ? named after the asteroid in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's "Le Petit Prince" ? has been unwilling to wait on the sidelines and is putting together a privately funded mission to launch an infrared telescope that would orbit the sun to hunt and track asteroids.

Its need cannot be underestimated, Schweickart warned. Real life is unlike movies such as "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact." Scientists will need to know 15, 20 or 30 years in advance of a killer rock's approach to undertake an effective asteroid-deflection campaign, he said, because it would take a long time for the spacecraft to reach the asteroid for a good nudge.

"That's why we want to find them now," he said.

As Chodas observed Friday, "It's like a shooting gallery here."


Associated Press writer Alicia Chang in Los Angeles contributed to this story.




B612 Foundation:

Associated Press


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Friday, February 15, 2013

Teen killed in protests on Bahrain revolt anniversary

DUBAI (Reuters) - Bahraini security forces killed a teenager and injured dozens more protesters on Thursday, an opposition website said, during clashes on the second anniversary of an uprising to demand democratic reforms in the U.S.-allied Gulf Arab state.

Several hundred demonstrators, mostly youths from largely Shi'ite villages, blocked roads around the capital Manama and hurled stones and fire bombs at police, who responded with birdshot and tear gas, witnesses said.

Security forces confirmed they had fired warning shots at the crowds and one young man had been killed in the protests, which began in the early morning and lasted almost all day.

The clashes were the most violent in recent months and could mar talks that began on Sunday between mostly Shi'ite Muslim opposition groups and the Sunni-dominated government to try to end political deadlock in Bahrain, which is home to the U.S. Fifth Fleet.

Bahrain has seen almost daily demonstrations in the run-up to the anniversary of the revolt, which has put the kingdom on the front line of a region-wide tussle for influence between Shi'ite Muslim Iran and Sunni Arab states such as Saudi Arabia.

Mass protests that erupted in February 2011 at the height of the Arab Spring were crushed, but small demonstrations demanding greater rights for Bahrain's Shi'ite majority and an end to the absolute power of the Sunni ruling family have continued.

Bahrain's chief of public security, Brigadier-General Tariq Al Hassan, said police had fired warning shots on Thursday to disperse a crowd that had attacked them with fire bombs, stones and iron rods, injuring several, some seriously.

"Officers discharged birdshot to defend themselves. At least one rioter was injured in the process. A short time later, a young man was pronounced dead at Salmaniya Medical Center," he said in a statement.

He said several members of the force involved in the incident were being investigated to determine the circumstances of the death.

The main opposition group Wefaq named the youth was Ali Ahmed Ibrahim al-Jazeeri, a 16-year-old Shi'ite, and said he had been killed in the village of Diya, near Manama.


It said dozens of others had been hurt, some seriously, and posted pictures of casualties, including a photograph of the dead youth with bandages on his abdomen.

Wefaq said there had also been a confrontation on Sitra island, south of Manama.

"Large numbers of armored vehicles, police cars and buses, convoys of military vehicles and troops deployed in the areas ... to face the peaceful protests demanding freedom and democracy," it said.

The state news agency BNA said masked people had forced a number of schools to close down and chained their doors shut to prevent students and staff getting in.

A spokesman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said news of the protester's death was "disquieting".

"We call on all parties to exercise restraint, avoid provocations, and reject violence, especially during the demonstrations today," he said.

An international inquiry commission said in a November 2011 report that 35 people had died during Bahrain's uprising. The dead were mainly protesters but included five security personnel and seven foreigners. The report said five people had died from torture. The opposition puts the death toll at more than 80.

Bahrain's opposition and government resumed reconciliation talks on Sunday for the first time since July 2011.

Officials said delegates had agreed at Wednesday's session on some ground rules for the talks, including the role of government representatives and mechanisms for implementing any agreement, paving the way for further sessions next week.

(Writing by Sami Aboudi; Editing by Jon Hemming and Michael Holden)


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Meet the arcade game that rewards the winner with ... beer!


Riot Games

In this show we talk to game developers and the fans about what makes 'League of Legends' one of the most popular games in the world. NBCNew... Read more

Adam Carroll and Owen Tingle grew up in the good ol' days ? you know, back when kids shelled out stacks of quarters to play their video games in the dark, cozy depths of an arcade.

Meet the "The Last Barfighter" ? an arcade fighting game that dispenses samples of beer to the winner. The North Carolina duo is all grown up now and, not surprisingly, one of their favorite pastimes is a bit more grown up too ? drinking beer. But in what can only be described as a flash of genius, they have come up with a way to combine their childhood love of arcade gaming with their adult love of a good micro brew.

Carroll and Tingle work at ad agency McKinney and were taking part in the company's Ten Percent program ? an incubator that encourages employees to take ten percent of their time to work on personal creative/technology-related ideas.

The two got talking about their love of old-school arcade games and about finding a way to give them new life when they struck upon the idea of a beer-dispensing arcade machine ? or a "beercade" if you will.

"Gaming is very social, but these days its all very digital and online and separated, and it doesn't have the face-to-face competition that it used to," Carroll old NBC News. "We miss going to the arcade and putting down a stack of quarters."

They approached the folks at Raleigh-based brewery Big Boss Brewing Company with the idea and so began work on what they call "the world's first beer-dispensing arcade game."

The familiar arcade cabinet has had its coin slots replaced by drip trays, cupholders and motion sensors to detect cups in place of quarters. Meanwhile, "The Last Barfighter" game was made to be reminiscent of fighting games like "Mortal Kombat" and "Street Fighter" ? favorites of Carroll and Tingle.

Thirsty players choose from five characters, each of which represent the five main Big Boss brews. There's Hell?s Belle, Bad Penny, Angry Angel, Blanco Diablo and High Roller ? characters who not only have standard punches and kicks, but also their own signature moves such as fire throwing and unicorn-horn-impaling.

Players duke it out in three rounds, with the beercade automatically dispensing the winner a sample of brew.

"What we really liked the most is that we could figure out a way to capitalize on this for a local microbrewery," Tingle says, explaining that he hopes the machine will help Big Boss stand out in the ever-growing crowd of breweries.

Alas, there is only one "The Last Barfighter" machine at the moment, and while Big Boss has it on display in their Taproom, they primarily plan to fire it up at beer festivals and other special events. But Carroll and Tingle say they are looking at ways to expand on the idea.

While you wait for the beercade to appear at your local watering hole, check out this tempting trailer introducing "The Last Barfighter."

Winda Benedetti writes about video games for NBC News. You can follow her tweets about games and other things on Twitter here @WindaBenedetti and you can follow her on Google+. Meanwhile, be sure to check out the IN-GAME FACEBOOK PAGE to discuss the day's gaming news and reviews.

More from InGame:Watch our full length show on 'League of Legends' here!


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Video: 'Get off my lawn:' Song sparrows escalate territorial threats

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Territorial song sparrows use increasingly threatening signals to ward off trespassing rivals. First an early warning that matches the intruder's song, then wing waving ? a bird's version of "flipping the bird" ? as the dispute heats up, and finally, if all other signals have failed, attack.

This hierarchical warning scheme, discovered by researchers at the University of Washington, adds nuance to a communication system that has been long-used as a model to study how people use and learn language

"This is one of the most complicated communication systems outside of human language," said lead author ?a?lar Ak?ay, who did the study as a UW graduate student. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University.

"Here we find that if a sparrow matches the intruder's song as the intruder invades his territory, this almost always predicts that he will eventually attack the intruder," Ak?ay said.

The study, published online this month in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, is the first evidence that song-matching is used as an early warning signal. Previous studies had hinted, but had not clearly established, that song-matching is a threat signal.

"We succeeded here because we recognized that song-matching is an early warning signal," said co-author Michael Beecher, a UW professor of psychology. "We designed our experiment to simulate an escalating intrusion by another song sparrow, so that our subject would begin with low-level threat signals before switching to higher-level threat signals."

A male song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) will defend his territory against any male song sparrow that intrudes. He has a repertoire of eight to 10 songs that he uses to attract mates, post his territory, communicate with neighbors, and, as in the newest study, threaten an intruder.

The researchers recorded songs from 48 sparrows living in Discovery Park in Seattle. To feign an intruder, they perched a stuffed song sparrow in a bush or tree and played the recorded song.

The song was first played just outside of the sparrow's territory. Believing the song to come from a hidden aggressor close to their home turf, the provoked bird sang and approached the speaker.

The song was then played from a different speaker placed 20 meters (60 feet) inside his boundary, which simulated movement by the rival into the territory. At the same time, the researchers uncovered the stuffed sparrow just above the speaker, with its beak posed as if it was singing.

It was enough to fool the live birds. Many of the sparrows responded first by matching the intruder's song. When the simulated intruder moved into the territory and persisted in singing, the defending sparrow progressed to higher-level warnings including soft songs and wing waves.

Soft song is not lullaby-like, but is perceived as menacing by enemies. Wing waving, a vigorous vibrating of one wing at a time, likewise looks harmless enough, but it too is an assertive signal.

When the stuffed bird did not react to those higher-level warning signals, the live bird attacked.

"Birds generally do all this signaling," Ak?ay said, "because it's usually beneficial to avoid getting into a fight if it can be avoided. There are less costly ways to persuade an aggressor to back down."

Most of the sparrows in the study, 31out of 48, eventually attacked. Birds who had song-matched were the mostly likely to attack.

Not all birds showed the same pattern of signaling. A few "bluffers" matched the trespasser's song without following through with an attack. Some others ? labeled "under-signalers" by the researchers ? attacked without giving warning signals.

The researchers are studying these behavioral subtypes now, and have collected evidence that these birds, like humans, have personalities that shape their behavior in distinctive ways.

"These kinds of field studies provide context for laboratory research that uses bird song learning as an animal model for exploring the brain mechanisms of learning," Beecher said. "Using bird song as a model system without understanding its natural social context would be like studying the neural basis of language without any idea of what humans use their language for."


University of Washington:

Thanks to University of Washington for this article.

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Kansas Lawmakers Urged To Pray For 'Dark Spiritual Areas' Of State

The branch of a national group that advocates prayer in state Capitols has called for prayers for Kansas' "dark spiritual areas" which include large Democratic concentrations.

Dave DePue, the head of Kansas affiliate Capitol Commission, in a letter distributed Feb. 7 requested prayers for several of the heaviest Democratic areas of the state. The document distributed by DePue was made public Tuesday night by several Democratic legislators and first reported by the Wichita Eagle that evening.

"Target prayer for dark spiritual areas of SE Kansas, Lawrence, KCKS, North Johnson County," DePue wrote. The areas mentioned by DePue are among the most Democratic in the state and have Democratic legislators.

The document included notes on prayer for legislators with health issues, along with prayer for Gov. Sam Brownback's (R) initiatives on child poverty and obesity.

The Capitol Commission is a national group seeking to place pastors in each state Capitol. The group is currently in 21 states, primarily in the South and Midwest.

DePue leads regular prayer breakfasts for state legislators in a conference room in the governor's office. Last year, the Topeka Capitol-Journal reported that he said a prayer for journalists at a Brownback staffer's request.

DePue did not return a call from The Huffington Post, but told the Wichita Eagle on Tuesday evening that he was not trying to single out Democrats and their spirituality. He said he was asking for prayer in order to boost the economic prosperity of the regions.

?It?s just unfortunate wording on my part,? DePue told the Wichita Eagle.

Democrats from the areas singled out by DePue are upset and do not believe his explanation.

"Between Wichita and southeast Kansas, we produce more clergy than any other area and we're a dark area?" House Minority Whip Julie Menghini (D-Pittsburg) told HuffPost. "Why would you call it a spiritually dark area? You can say it's economically dark and I'd buy that."

Douglas County Democratic Party Chairwoman Margie Wakefield told HuffPost that she believes that under Brownback "even prayer is partisan." She urged DePue instead to pray for "Kansas leaders with basic common sense."

State Rep. John Wilson (D-Lawrence) told HuffPost that the prayer request upset him due to his involvement in Plymouth Congregational Church, the oldest church in the state. Wilson said he would like to know who requested the prayer and why they consider the regions "spiritually dark."

Wilson said religion has taught him to help others, noting that he wants to use government to end child poverty and expand social services in the state. He said there is more lawmakers can do than pray to end child poverty.

"I believe prayer is a powerful thing," he said. "I also think that prayer in conjunction with good work is powerful. We don't have to wait for prayer to address child poverty. We can do something as legislators now."

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Defect in immune memory may cause repeat bladder infections

Defect in immune memory may cause repeat bladder infections [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Feb-2013
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Contact: Sarah Avery
Duke University Medical Center

DURHAM, N.C. Recurrent bladder infections, which are especially common among women, may result from a defect among the bladder's immune fighters that keeps them from remembering previous bacterial infections. The immune memory lapse can hamper a timely and effective attack, according to researchers at Duke Medicine and Duke-National University of Singapore.

Their study, which involved mice, may provide a new route to develop vaccines and treatments for urinary tract infections, which are the second-most common infection and account for more than 8 million health care visits a year in the United States, according to the National Institutes of Health.

"A third of recurring bladder infections are from the same strain of bacteria, so that suggested to us that there is some sort of defect in the bladder that is causing this," said Soman N. Abraham, PhD, professor of pathology at Duke and Duke-NUS and senior author of the paper published Feb. 14, 2013, in the journal Immunity. "We have identified how a muted immune response to bacterial infections in the bladder occurs, making it unable to fully eradicate a persistent population of bacteria."

Like the gut and the liver, the bladder is involved in waste treatment, and is frequently exposed to bacterial invasion. But it has not been among the organs considered "immune privileged," in which the immune system operates under special strategies for tolerating certain pathogens to keep it from over-activating. Not much is understood about how the mucosal tissue in the bladder functions.

Abraham and colleagues examined mouse bladders under conditions that closely mimic human infections; infections remained in the bladder for some, and traveled to the kidneys in others. In both cases, they found that urinary tract infections were typically met with a robust inflammatory response from the innate immune system, which is the body's first line of defense and attacks all pathogens in a generalized fashion.

After 21 days, both sets of mice were re-infected, and here the groups diverged. In the mice that originally had an infection in both the bladder and kidney, a strong antibody response arose, indicating that the immune system recognized the invader and could swiftly eradicate it. But among those that originally had just the bladder infection, the immune system showed no memory recall.

The cause was an unlikely source: Mast cells. Best known for fighting allergies, mast cells are responsible for triggering an early immune response against bacteria in the bladder, and in every instance, they sprung to action when confronted with the E. coli infection. But in some cases, they then began producing a molecule called interleukin-10, which suppresses the immune system. It was if the immune system slammed on brakes, so the adaptive immune system never kicked into action to form antibodies that would recognize a recurring invasion.

Abraham said this function of mast cells to limit the immune response may coincide with the shedding of the bladder's lining cells a sort of cleansing mechanism that keeps bacteria from accumulating in the epithelial lining and may be part of the bladder's form of immune privilege to temper the inflammatory response.

"It appears that the bladder, like the gut, has a highly specialized strategy for balancing tolerance and resisting infection," Abraham said. "In most cases, muting the adaptive immune response in the bladder would not be a problem, because the infection would be cleared by the vigorous response of the early, innate immune response. But in some people, it's causing recurrent infections, because the bacteria hide in the epithelium and are not recognized by the adaptive immune system," Abraham said.

Abraham said the findings could lead the development of vaccines against the bacteria, or better treatments that bolster the antibody response.


In addition to Abraham, study authors include Cheryl Y. Chan of Duke University Medical Center and Ashley L. St. John of Duke and Duke-NUS.

The study was support by grants from the NIH (R01 A135678, R01 DK077159, R01 A150021, R37 DK50814 and R21 A1056101).

GRAPHIC: Bladder infections that travel to the kidneys result in an immune response that builds antibodies to recognize and attack the pathogen. When the infection remains in the bladder, however, the immune response is led by mast cells, which initially fight the infection but also produce an immune suppressing molecule called interleukin-10 that disrupts the development of antibodies and thus stifles immune memory.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Defect in immune memory may cause repeat bladder infections [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Feb-2013
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Contact: Sarah Avery
Duke University Medical Center

DURHAM, N.C. Recurrent bladder infections, which are especially common among women, may result from a defect among the bladder's immune fighters that keeps them from remembering previous bacterial infections. The immune memory lapse can hamper a timely and effective attack, according to researchers at Duke Medicine and Duke-National University of Singapore.

Their study, which involved mice, may provide a new route to develop vaccines and treatments for urinary tract infections, which are the second-most common infection and account for more than 8 million health care visits a year in the United States, according to the National Institutes of Health.

"A third of recurring bladder infections are from the same strain of bacteria, so that suggested to us that there is some sort of defect in the bladder that is causing this," said Soman N. Abraham, PhD, professor of pathology at Duke and Duke-NUS and senior author of the paper published Feb. 14, 2013, in the journal Immunity. "We have identified how a muted immune response to bacterial infections in the bladder occurs, making it unable to fully eradicate a persistent population of bacteria."

Like the gut and the liver, the bladder is involved in waste treatment, and is frequently exposed to bacterial invasion. But it has not been among the organs considered "immune privileged," in which the immune system operates under special strategies for tolerating certain pathogens to keep it from over-activating. Not much is understood about how the mucosal tissue in the bladder functions.

Abraham and colleagues examined mouse bladders under conditions that closely mimic human infections; infections remained in the bladder for some, and traveled to the kidneys in others. In both cases, they found that urinary tract infections were typically met with a robust inflammatory response from the innate immune system, which is the body's first line of defense and attacks all pathogens in a generalized fashion.

After 21 days, both sets of mice were re-infected, and here the groups diverged. In the mice that originally had an infection in both the bladder and kidney, a strong antibody response arose, indicating that the immune system recognized the invader and could swiftly eradicate it. But among those that originally had just the bladder infection, the immune system showed no memory recall.

The cause was an unlikely source: Mast cells. Best known for fighting allergies, mast cells are responsible for triggering an early immune response against bacteria in the bladder, and in every instance, they sprung to action when confronted with the E. coli infection. But in some cases, they then began producing a molecule called interleukin-10, which suppresses the immune system. It was if the immune system slammed on brakes, so the adaptive immune system never kicked into action to form antibodies that would recognize a recurring invasion.

Abraham said this function of mast cells to limit the immune response may coincide with the shedding of the bladder's lining cells a sort of cleansing mechanism that keeps bacteria from accumulating in the epithelial lining and may be part of the bladder's form of immune privilege to temper the inflammatory response.

"It appears that the bladder, like the gut, has a highly specialized strategy for balancing tolerance and resisting infection," Abraham said. "In most cases, muting the adaptive immune response in the bladder would not be a problem, because the infection would be cleared by the vigorous response of the early, innate immune response. But in some people, it's causing recurrent infections, because the bacteria hide in the epithelium and are not recognized by the adaptive immune system," Abraham said.

Abraham said the findings could lead the development of vaccines against the bacteria, or better treatments that bolster the antibody response.


In addition to Abraham, study authors include Cheryl Y. Chan of Duke University Medical Center and Ashley L. St. John of Duke and Duke-NUS.

The study was support by grants from the NIH (R01 A135678, R01 DK077159, R01 A150021, R37 DK50814 and R21 A1056101).

GRAPHIC: Bladder infections that travel to the kidneys result in an immune response that builds antibodies to recognize and attack the pathogen. When the infection remains in the bladder, however, the immune response is led by mast cells, which initially fight the infection but also produce an immune suppressing molecule called interleukin-10 that disrupts the development of antibodies and thus stifles immune memory.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Behavioral therapy for children with autism can impact brain function

Feb. 14, 2013 ? Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for before-and-after analysis, a team of researchers including a UC Santa Barbara graduate student discovered positive changes in brain activity in children with autism who received a particular type of behavioral therapy.

Work completed at Yale University's Child Study Center used fMRI as the tool for measuring the impact of Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) -- therapy pioneered at UCSB by Lynn Koegel, clinical director of the Koegel Autism Center -- on both lower- and higher-functioning children with autism receiving PRT for the first time. fMRI allows researchers to see what areas of the brain are active while processing certain stimuli -- in this case human motion. Comparing pre- and post-therapy data from the fMRI scans of their 5-year-old subjects, the researchers saw marked -- and remarkable -- changes in how the children were processing the stimuli. Findings from their study, "Neural Mechanisms of Improvements in Social Motivation After Pivotal Response Treatment," are published in a recent issue of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

"The cool thing that we found was that these kids showed increased activation in regions of the brain utilized by typically developing kids," explained Avery C. Voos, first-year graduate student at the UCSB-based Koegel Autism Center, and one of the lead authors of the Yale study. "After four months of treatment, they're starting to use brain regions that typically developing kids are using to process social stimuli.

"We can say that we have shifted the way these children are processing low-level social stimuli, and that's what we want," she added. "There's a social deficit in autism, so any improvement toward social interaction really helps with development. That's what makes this very exciting, and it speaks to the promise and success of PRT."

A targeted technique meant to improve social engagement among children with autism spectrum disorders, PRT forgoes the focus on specific skills, like block-building, to concentrate instead on so-called "pivotal areas," such as motivation, in hopes of inducing a cascading effect with similar impact across multiple areas.

"For instance, if you're orienting to people, socially it may appear more acceptable, but you're also getting rich information from those people, which will affect the way you're interacting with people more broadly," Voos explained. "Say a child wants to draw, and asks for a red crayon while she has her back to me. I say, 'I can't understand what you're asking if you're not looking at me.' Once she orients toward me, we provide a contingent response -- in this case, giving her the red crayon -- and ideally she begins to understand, 'Hey, me looking at you and asking for what I want gets me what I want.' Ultimately, the social interaction becomes the reward on its own, which is the ultimate goal."

The Yale study involved two children, who each received the same amount of therapy -- eight to ten hours each week, for four months -- bookended by fMRIs looking at predetermined regions of the brain. Small by design, according to Voos, the project was meant to show that PRT does impact processing, and is not simply inspiring learned behavioral changes. It was also intended as impetus for further, more comprehensive study.

"The logical next step is to assess a larger group of children that are the same age as these two, to see whether these improvements were unique to these kids," Voos said. "We also want to know if the changes we saw remain after treatment. Long-term, it would be amazing to do this with hundreds of kids, in different age groups, to see what differences there may be. I would postulate that the younger we start these kids in treatment, the more improvement we will see in the way that they process social stimuli."

And therein lies the larger message of this study, according to Voos.

"Early intervention is wonderful," she said. "It can make serious improvements not only in overt behavior, but potentially in the way children are processing the world around them and the way they're processing your interaction with them on a daily basis. Even if they're only minor changes, the fact that they have those shifts, and are potentially processing social stimuli in a more 'typical' manner for the rest of their lives, is pretty powerful to think about."

"Traditional neuro-imagers will say you can't do MRI with single subjects," she acknowledged. "This is still giving us a lot of useful information. It might be a different way of using the technology, but we think it's beneficial. And we don't think these are random findings. They make sense to us, and it's exciting."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Santa Barbara.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Avery C. Voos, Kevin A. Pelphrey, Jonathan Tirrell, Danielle Z. Bolling, Brent Vander Wyk, Martha D. Kaiser, James C. McPartland, Fred R. Volkmar, Pamela Ventola. Neural Mechanisms of Improvements in Social Motivation After Pivotal Response Treatment: Two Case Studies. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2012; 43 (1): 1 DOI: 10.1007/s10803-012-1683-9

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Printed Customer Communications ? Marketing Opportunity or ...

Written by Jo Oliphant
Manager, Continuous Feed Europe
Xerox Corporation

How does your business communicate to your customers? Have you moved everything online because of postal costs and environmental concerns?

Sending physical communications to customers can be a costly venture, depending on where your business is situated and combined with the location of your customers. While there is no denying many customers have come to accept receiving statements and information electronically, saving the company in postage costs, there are still a very large number of consumers who still want, and prefer, paper statements in their hands. Personally, I still quite like receiving paper statements ? especially given that some companies (you know who you are!) make it incredibly difficult to access their websites through complex layers of security, which is why I continue to request traditional hard copy. And while a preference for some, physical mailings are a necessity for others. Demographics play a huge role, but many consumers simply do not have reliable online access. Consumer preferences aside, there is a much deeper issue here ? as some companies just aren?t ?getting it? in terms of their customer engagement strategies.

Man Looking Over Mail

When a company stops sending paper communications, it puts a halt to the regular vehicle it had that got itself through your letterbox, out of the envelope, in front of your eyes and? read an average of three (yes, three) times. The first time was while sifting through your stack of mail after retrieving it. Then, if you?re like me, the mail sits on the kitchen table before being sorted and re-read to check through everything. Finally, it is looked at a third time as you file or archive it. A number of companies just do not understand that these three hits are one of the best marketing tools they have to capture your interest. In the absence of hard copy ? what do they revert to?

  • Emails that get caught by the spam filter
  • Emails that are distrusted because they?re believed to be false
  • Emails that are trashed or unread because, let?s be honest, who can really stand to receive 150 emails a day

Worse still are the hard copy mailings containing really poor marketing messages that get through your front door and do not capitalise on the analytics and back-end data that they?ve captured on you.

Side Note: there?s a third underlying and less well understood point about all of this, too. In this race to eliminate paper for environmental concerns (because apparently anything online must be green) we fail to understand the environmental credentials of paper vs. online statements, but the issues are huge and very complex. For now let?s say the jury is still out and I will revisit in a separate blog, but just so you know where I?m going on this one? ? paper is a carbon sink ? when we bury it, the CO2 inside it is released into the atmosphere slowly. Similarly, email also needs energy to spin every disk, network line and so on to get information to you?.

To send physical documents means using some form of postal service. Postal companies around the world have become quite inventive in their charging structures and most employ some kind of formula based on weight or size (or indeed both). Some countries already have a relatively low threshold on postage weight set at 20 grams. As it happens, 3 A4 sheets of 80gsm paper and a window DL envelope is 19.97 grams. I suspect if the country you live in doesn?t have restrictions like these, then it?s more a case of ?when? and not ?if? this will be introduced.

Putting a 4th sheet of paper in that envelope can be something of a challenge as it takes the envelope into the next postal bracket. At Xerox, we?ve been exploring printing on lower weight commodity offset papers to take advantage of our technology with vibrant waterless inks with no show-through on the page?and on 60gsm paper, that fourth sheet is a reality without the additional postage cost! Taking this even further as we explore the limitations of waterless inkjet, we can add as many as five additional sheets of paper on top of an 80gsm headed introductory letter into an envelope without breaching the 20gsm limit ? just imagine what you can squeeze into that envelope with 12 A4 impressions! Of course, using lighter papers isn?t only about saving you postage costs, but also about reducing your expenditure on paper.

What?s your business strategy for communicating with customers now and into the future? E-presentment, hardcopy or both? and how do you measure success?

With Hunkeler Innovationdays now here, Xerox will be helping customers answer these questions and many more. Be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay up-to-date on the latest news, as well as follow the conversation using #XeroxHunkeler on Twitter.


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